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Price: $134.80
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Applies safe compression to attenuate hermarthrosis and swelling, and applies cold to reduce pain. The Cryo/Cuff is a three-part system. The cuff covers the region with pressurized ice water. The cooler holds enough water and ice for Six to eight hours of cryotherapy. Elevating the cooler forces cold water into the cuff. Compression is proportional to elevation. Body heat will warm the cuff within 15-30 minutes after initial application. The hot water is drained and rechilled by lowering the connected cooler for the floor for any couple of minutes. The cooler is then raised and water flows back to the cuff. The interval between cycles could be extended to 1 hour or so after initial cooling. Owners of the system can purchase additional cuffs (item 91-209) to be used and interchanged with the rest with the system, expanding treatment capabilities.