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Price: $140.00
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All of our Quality products for your complete postpartum recovery whether itÕs a cesarean, vaginal birth, and even abdominal surgery. The cotton Bikini belt may be worn just after a C-Section or during pregnancy. The Bikini belt and strap offer comfortable support to both lower back and tummy to assist you receive from bed with less pain after surgery. Ensure you obtain a belt for post delivery if you want to wear one for pregnancy support, since the material can stretch over time.Ê Our unique support strap could be worn throughout the front or back as desired for maximum support. Women use this belt for in regards to a month or two depending on his or her situation. The Hem It In belt is intended to become used for several months after the newborn arrives for support as your core is strengthened. Wear the belt during exercise if you may need support. The Abdomend massage guide offers gentle techniques so you can have a very soft, flat and adhesion free scar. Use skin brush as part of the AbdoMend system to cut back ingrown hairs and decrease swelling by stimulating the lymphatic system. The interior elastic in the Hem It In Belt and Bikini Belt Strap contains latex and it is covered in Cotton.
Product Features
Size: Large
Large: Fits Measurement 46-52" Approximate post birth weight of 170-185lbs. For sizing: Measure 2" bellow belly button, around upper hip and buttocks, do not bring tape up to waistline. At 9 months pregnant subtract 3"-5" (twins- subtract 4-8") to determine post delivery measurement. To determine approximate Post birth weight: Subtract 10-15 lbs from 9th month pregnancy weight,(twins-20lbs). When in doubt go by measurement. *Based on average height of 5'6"*
Large Bikini belt is 11" wide and support strap is 3" wide. Large Hem-It-In belt is 8" wide.
Deluxe C Section Recovery Kit includes: 1 AbdoMend Support Belt and Strap, 1 Hem It In binder, 1 Skin Brush, 1 C Section Massage therapy guide DVD.
AbdoMend recovery belts are designed with 6-9" of adjustability for your changing size. Soft and Supportive light weight cotton available in 5 sizes to help you transition through your recovery and back to your unique pre-pregnancy shape.
Move with ease and confidence - get the support you need and deserve! Binding compresses tissues and reduces stress and pain. Supports repositioning your internal organs and Promotes Muscle Memory.

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