Plantar/Spur Inferno Wrap

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Price: $154.57

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The Plantar/Spur Inferno Wrap® with patented Energy Web® technology!

The healing power of electromagnetic energy continues to be enhanced to offer one with the most effective Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) available.

The Inferno Wrap® is not only a heating pad, rather it can be a healing pad. Although it is certainly going to provide you with a few warmth, the benefit with this technology is it stimulates blood to flow to the injured tissue.

Here's why! The energy emitted in the wrap reaches deep, deeper than surface heat, to improve blood flow. The blood feeds the soft tissue by delivering nutrients and oxygen which can be vital for healthy cells. In addition, the blood carries away toxins and cellular waste cleaning the area and healing it faster.

This incredible healing device has proven to speed healing and/or soothe the pain sensation of injuries and conditions including plantar fasciitis, plantar fibroma, foot or plantar fascia surgery recovery, metatarsal capsulitis, fractured calcaneus, turf toe, metatarsalgia (general pain inside ball in the foot), heel spur maintenance, dislocated metatarsal joint, neuroma, foot arch pain, hammer or claw toe, gout, and more!

This wrap is often a PATENTED design! Thousands of hours of research happen to be conducted to develop a wrap that delivers this type of HEALING power! There is certainly not one other wrap such as this around the market - NEVER SETTLE to have an inferior product!

Product Features
Treats Plantar Fasciits, Heel Spurs, Arch Pain, Claw Toe, Calcaneus Bursitis, Foot Tendonitis, Turf Toe and other foot pain.
The Plantar/Spur Inferno Wrap® has 3 power levels (high, medium, low) with an automatic shut off feature.
The Plantar/Spur Inferno Wrap® is made of high quality, flexible and washable neoprene, designed to contour comfortably around the foot.
The Plantar/Spur Inferno Wrap® provides safe relief of pain that treats the source, unlike pain medication.
The Plantar/Spur Inferno Wrap® is conveniently portable for use at home, the office or anywhere there is an electrical outlet.