BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials

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Price: $109.00

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Contents: 1 CPR- Pocket Mask, 16 1 X 3 Adhesive Strips, 6 2 X 4 Adhesive Bandage, 10 4 X 4 Gauze Pads - 12 ply, 2 Emergency Pressure Dressing, 2 3" Conforming Gauze, 10 BZK Wipes, 5 Antimicrobial Hand Wipes, 1 1" X 10yds Cloth Tape, 2 3" Elastic Bandage, 1 4" Red Cohesive Wrap, 2 Triangular Bandage, 4 Eye Pads, 10 Antibiotic Ointment Unit Dose, 4 Cotton Swab, 1 4 X 4 WaterJel Burn Dressing, 1 Survival Blanket, 6 Nitrile Gloves (L), 1 Eyewash, 1 SAM Splint (36"), 1 SHEARS/EMT 7.5" BLK, 1 Penlight, 2 Cold Pack, 1 Trauma Dressing, 2 5 x 9 ABD Pad, 2 4.5" Fluff Dressing, 6 Iodine Prep Pad Wipes, 1 Mini Tweezer w/Vial, 1 first Aid Instruction Booklet, 1 Guedel Airway 100mm, 1 Guedel Airway 90mm, 1 Nasopharyngeal Airway 28 Fr, 1 Xeroform Dressing, 5 3 x 3 Gauze Pads , 10 Alcohol Prep Pad Wipes, 1 Hand Sanitizer (1.5 oz Tottle), 1 Lister Bandage Scissor, 1 Hemostat, 1 Emergency Blanket (Yellow), 1 BP Cuff/Stethoscope 1 e-Gear Headlamp 1 Knife w/ Window Punch & Belt Cutter

Product Features
The BLS Supplies Module is a select list of items required by BLS providers.
Addresses a broad spectrum of possible injuries and ailments, providing for an array of possible treatment options.
You have the freedom to find & choose the bag right for you. Maybe you already have one, and just need contents.
Contents List Below