Aircast Cryo/Cuff System-Large Knee & Cooler price

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Price: $123.99

Lire plus de details

Knee Large Cuff & Cooler * Aircast Cryo/Cuff sytem features simultaneous cold and compression to lower swelling and pain * The simplicity to make use of can make it ideal for ER post-op training room and your home kitchen * Insulated jug holds up to 4 liters of ice and

Product Features
Knee Large Cuff & Cooler
Aircast Cryo/Cuff sytem features simultaneous cold and compression to minimize swelling and pain
The simplicity to use makes it ideal for ER post-op training room and home use
Insulated jug holds up to 4 liters of ice and water - enough for 8 hours of therapy
20 -31 Knee circumference 6 above knee Shipping Carton Size: 16 L x 12 W x 10 H