Bauerfeind GenuTrain A3 Knee Support

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Price: $108.95 - $236.64
Sale: Lower price available on select options

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GenuTrain A3 comfort support is suitable for treating various forms of knee complaints: e.g. osteoarthritis, irritated knee joint, complex knee pain or misalignment with the kneecap (patellar lateralization). Thanks on the anatomically shaped knobbed visco-elastic pad integrated in the elastic knit fabric, the support provides joint and muscles a targeted, healing intermittent compression massage on every movement.

Product Features
Centers the patella through corrective wire in the knit during joint movement and insert stimulates skin receptors and nerve endings in muscle-tendon transition around knee to enhance proprioception
Lightweight, breathable anatomical knit will not retain heat for high wearing comfort
Ideal for athletes or active people with patellar and arthritic pain
Machine washable
Made in Germany with the highest quality standards