Bauerfeind Genutrain A3 Knee Support

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Evaluation des clients d'autres:

Price: $114.75 - $171.99

Lire plus de details

The Bauerfeind GenuTrain® A3 Knee Support is an anatomically knitted support designed to relieve irritative conditions with the knee. The compression/decompression effect caused by movement similar to a friction massage aids within the reduction of swelling. The breathable material and also the anatomically contoured knit with the integrated viscoelastic pad provide both maximum comfort and effective treatment at the same time.

Product Features
Irritative conditions, especially gonarthrosis (also the onset of ligamentosis, tendomyopathy, posttraumatic and postoperative)
Knee pain with functional instability due to general muscular disbalance
Patellar lateralization
Jumper's Knee
The insert form covers typical pain areas and important receptor zones of the knee joint