Medique 3-Shelf Industrial Side-Opening First-aid Cabinet, Filled #745M1

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Price: $108.00 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details

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Three-Shelf Cabinet. 15-3?4 x 16-3?4 x 5-5?8 The perfect cabinet for small businesses, shipping and receiving departments or another remote locations of your respective facility. Convenient door pouches along with a wide range of product will present you with confidence within your power to handle emergencies. Ideal for up-and-coming small to medium industrial work settings. You will find Medibucks in large size Medique products in numerous denominations. Collect these and redeem for gift certificates!

Heavy Duty Steel Construction
Powder coating Provides a tough, Long - lasting Finish
Wall Mountable
Face forward dispensing products
This item is not for sale in Catalina Island