Venture Heated Clothing KB-1250 AtHome Neck And Shoulder Wrap review

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Price: $119.00

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From a stiff neck to sore shoulders, Venture Neck And Shoulder Therapy provides pain and injury relief for your neck and shoulders. The Venture At-Home Heat Wrap utilizes Far Infrared Ray Technology to safely provide deep penetrating heat below your skin for maximum therapeutic pain relief. Venture At-Home Heat Therapy features safe, low-voltage technology employing a safer, lower DC voltage design compared to traditional AC heating pads. Venture heat wraps are ergonomically made with 3D ergonomic tailoring contoured on the curvature from the joint and built with neoprene and fleece for mild compression and ultimate fit. Applications - whiplash, stiff neck, muscle tension, muscle spasms, pinched nerves, and more.

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